SENSORY PLAY: Save the sea creatures in ice and sea foam

I had a delivery of Japanese goodies and the ice and foam boxes were nice and clean! 
Instead of tossing it out, I decided to hide some sea creatures and some glass pebbles for Adriel to rescue. 

He was so thrilled and ran to take a shovel! We talked about the properties of ice and I encouraged him to use both hands to feel the ice. Great stimulation for his left hand! 

He had fun digging and playing so I offered to give him some of his favourite play foam. He was delighted! 

I mixed 1 part soap to 1 part water with some gel food colouring and whisked it to stiff peaks with my stand mixer. 

Adriel asked for tons of colours! 

The colours were so pretty! The foam and ice worked so well together and provided Adriel with tons of fun! 

Consider this if your little one likes foam and ice! 
