SCIENCE: Volcano experiment

Adriel used to play with dinosaurs when he was younger. As he grew, for some weird reason, he became fearful of them. It probably has to do with the teeth some of his dinosaurs exhibited. Or that I got models that were too realistic looking. 

I made a volcano play set up for Adriel one bored afternoon. I used Daiso's air dry clay for the volcano but I ran out of it so the volcano was a little bare. The Starbucks bottle is a sign of what I enjoyed during this circuit breaker! I also wrote the word volcano and had the cards 火山 to value add to the play. 

I used expired flour, coconut oil and cocoa powder to create a dough for the mud and coloured some expired pasta stars for the grass. 

In the bottle, I put some food colouring and lots of baking soda. I had vinegar in a measuring jug and I had Adriel poured it into the bottle of baking soda.

We had so much fun! Give it a try and have fun too! 
