RECIPE: Windsor Bread

This recipe for Windsor Bread yields a really nice and fluffy bread. It's one of our personal favourite! 

I shared it on Facebook too and made a few renditions of it. 

Windsor bread recipe, makes 9 mini loaves

225g bread flour
25g cake flour
8g milk powder (I used Adriel's milk powder 🤣)
1 egg yolk
25g castor/fine sugar
140g water
1/2 tsp salt (I grinded pink salt)
3/4 tsp yeast
25g unsalted butter

So fluffy!

I kneaded using my mixer.

9 balls of dough.

Rolled into logs..

After proofing!

I proofed with a mug of hot water in the oven. You can warm it up in an oven with a low temperature too!

Dusted with plain flour for a rustic look. You can egg wash it too.

We had them with luncheon meat and eggs..

With chocolate dough and bananas..

Adriel was so excited!

This was with egg wash so it's shiny.

This was made with freshly blended pandan juice!

I cooked it with pork jowl as a sandwich!

Delicious! So here are the steps to making these delicious buns!

1. In a mixer, mix all ingredients except for yeast and butter. Mix till dough comes together using a dough hook.
2. Add yeast and mix for another 5 minutes.
3. Add butter and mix for 10 to 15 minutes till dough is nice and elastic.
4. Rest dough for 10 minutes.
5. Portion dough into 9 balls. Rest dough for 10 minutes.
6. Roll out dough to 12 x 8cm (approximately).
7. Using swiss roll method, roll the dough gently to form a log.
8. Proof in closed oven for 40 mins with a cup of hot water placed inside.
9. Lightly sieve some plain flour over bread or egg wash it.
10. Bake in a preheated oven of 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes or till brown.
11. Set aside to cool. Enjoy!

Recipe credits:…/windsor-bread-%E6%B8%A9%E8%8E%8E%…/
